Monday, December 9, 2013


Logical reasoning as to why "why?" exists... i forgot, fuck.((something i haven't said before, i tend to forget easily, and lose my train of thought oh so easily)
Anyway, the premises was inspired from "why?" being a part of an absolute truth, a sort of "0".
If i think about it, even the fact that "why ?" exists is an indicative of an absolute... lost it again.
Anyway, let's say we ourselves create an AI "thing", how long would it take him to become self-aware and what is the process?
There must be a "why?" in the middle.
"Why?" is the first ingredient of life as we know it...-vague-
As an example Big bang was triggered by a "why?"; it's the catalyst of knowledge.
There would have been no diversity without "why?"...However, after all this, "why?" is not the "0" point but it confirms it purely through its existence.
We would not have been created without "why?".
Note: "Why?" at this point is an abbreviation of the process or the start of a curiosity.
Curiosity is transmitted through genes, attesting it's genesis in another "place"; we are made from god-like materials ( god = absolute).
We, theoretically, have the means of transcending the infinite.
The infinite and the absolute, can be regarded as two distinct dimensions that include one-another.
Let's say space is our lego made "bubble"; the moment we will take a hold/understand all the pieces , we will transcend into absolute.
However what is certain is that our simple existence, is inspired from an absolute( Which is not far from what bible would preach ~, still bugs me)). We are not alone, because we exist, however that "something" is not necessarily in our universe, on the contrary it is actually most likely not.

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