Monday, December 9, 2013

The beginning of a diary - Men and Women differences


- I'm gonna divide this into 3 or 4 separate ideas that converge into my actual question.
I'm gonna start with a reference to a user's question i have answered.
She/he asked if a man and a woman can ever be just friends; My strong belief is that this could never be true. I'm a guy and i'm absolutely sure that not just me but all of us have some sort of expectation out of a relationship, whether it's flirting or an amorous interest. I believe that those who do not agree are either fooling themselves or never thought about it with a more serious/objective approach.
 2nd and this is a bit short, as it is a personal conviction, and that is that men have the same thoughts / general convictions but they express them differently and by this i mean that there is no "you can't understand women" and i bet most that have some real experience would agree with me. ( i remember i somehow meant we are all molded through the same matrix )
So the resolution of these two ideas would be that women aswell can't stay in a "just friends" relationship with a man. Or can they? and by this i mean can they initiate a friendship with the "just friends in mind"?
I guess this would be one of my question.
On the first idea i feel that generally only one of the two in "the just friends" relationship is sexually attracted to the other, and the second in the party is just wasting time, forcing repressed thoughts or frustration, using the first as a testing material, generally using him/her just as a "shoulder to lean on", but not in the general way of it, but a more material way, with or without realizing it.
So at this point i sound a bit like i'm contradicting myself. The feeling is not shared between the two, only one of them. (No idea what i meant here)
That was the third, and the fourth is shorter but one of my strong convictions and rule to live by,being, that behind every action there is a reason; Nothing comes for free, supporting my idea that we all act for our own well being; there is no such thing as a good deed for free; if u do a good thing, like say helping the poor, you do it just to feel better about yourself or to get attention/ recognition from others, which at their turn offer you that in the hope of getting something out of you. This is basically what i understand by ying and yang.
Now on to my actual question, which will seem rather stupid after all the talk but it really got me thinking..
So i saw this video-clip on MTV ( the times ) can't remember the name of the artist/song but i somehow got the idea (probably wrong) that a guy was getting stalked by a woman, her saying all these sweet things (which would seem rather strange by normal standards) about him and he was sort of compassionate about her. And putting myself in his position i realized that i would probably be compassionate aswell, but i doubted a woman would put herself through the trouble .
For me this would mean that men actually care more about "love trading" if you will, rather than women.
So are we more sentimental than women? By my second conviction that wouldn't be true. still, if so, what do women use to compensate for love? Are they really different in perception than us?
Say you have a man and a woman of the same intelligence, having the same knowledge bag, which of them is more likely to be compassionate about a stalker?
Reading through my post i just got an answer that might solve my problem and I think it's the correct one but it would be a shame to not bounce this off with you guys if you feel like it.
This resolved itself in a bland and "obvious" way, being that women are less powerful (physically|) compared to a man, and that would cloud the judgement of this question.

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