Monday, December 9, 2013

History of a God / The solitude of a singularity

I have initially imagined the end in the form of four entities, but now that i think about it, that would be impossible, because that would no longer be the ending; that was probably a product of my own mind trying to cope with the loneliness of such an event.
The end, can only be watched through the eyes of a single being, standing testimony to the aftermath. The singularity. (( I'm still proud of this))
However, before the god, before him, there was a violent battle between his, now, fathers. I will name them subtly Adam and Eve.
-- This is something hashed out, but i will include it anyway because i like it: "Can you imagine two super-galaxies heading towards each-other? The only two entities sparkling into a sea of nothingness, the God's nostalgic memory".
Everything is true or relative through an individual perspective.
However, you cannot be certain, that everything around you (including people) are not a product of perspective.(( This is called solipsism, and it's a phase i'm still not over, you can look it up if you want)) .
The concepts i think of, as an individual, pop into existence the moment i think them, and they are reborn into other people's ideologies after i have thought them.
There are different options.
1.Ideas that have a common denominator attract each-other ( like gravity) and they have a higher chance of being noticed (by yourself) the moment you acknowledge them, meaning that we are all contributing to a common conscience - we are component parts / "neurons" of a god? -
2. A mothership (myself?) exists that inspires ideas into my own perception and everything around me is the product of an emotion ( loneliness/boredom) and everything is animated for my own amusement. If true, how is the actual reality like? ((Yes i am aware of what this means))
3. Or is it possible that everything is a reality simulation ( the hadron collider comes to mind).
As an example, if i would have someone write a concept that only he knows, and that he thinks is true, in this book without me seeing it; would that concept emerge into humanity's common conscience or would it be lost forever until someone would read this book?
Problem is, however, that it cannot be tested, because the concept would emerge, through the simple fact that the person who wrote it acknowledges it and lives through it; pieces of the notion would slip into the conscious being simply by him living it, and you cannot know if another person thought them or if they were induced into existence by the initial thinker.
Regardless, what about the other notions i have found out after birth?((I think i might have phrased it poorly, it might mean, the notions that i did not think, and were taught after birth, but were true regardless of my birth)) Either they are issues of perception, or i willed them into being without knowing...
Still, if all concepts can be regarded as energy and are lost within the universe, written on a "book", would it be possible to find out about theories and concepts of lost civilizations? ( as an imagination exercise, opening a portal to all knowledge/consciousness) . And it would be possible, if everything is part of a god, or if i am myself a fragmented god.

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