Monday, December 9, 2013


Date - unknown -
(This is a translation)
We have an ant and a human, what separates us? What puts us above them?
The common answer would be "intelligence" "consciousness" and the last one is a product of the first anyway; simplifying, what's left is - intelligence -
Intelligence is relative, it can be quantified only through our point of view. We can't, at this moment, use an universally true constant for intelligence. So in principle, we give meaning to it ourselves, we can't judge objectively without taking into consideration the opinion of every being in the universe.
Regarding our existence in retrospect we could simplify the variables knowing that we all started from the same common point, existing as that point, familiarly known as the big bang but that could be anything else of the same nature, an enormous mass of energy.
 - Intelligence is a product of man-
So theoretically having energy as a common denominator, in any situation where "x" has the highest energy value, he/it will be the most powerful being.
Physically speaking, us as a species, will never be able to create "something" with a higher energy than the sum of our energies combined - On the same principle of "every action has an equal and opposite reaction" / or you can't create something out of nothing.
In order to advance as a civilization we have to absorb more energy ourselves; To transform resources into energy.
Our main energy sources is Earth. The moment we have absorbed all it's energy, or better said, we have absorbed it, we would have advanced as a civilization.
^ I think this is where the classification of civilizations comes from.( I, II, III, IV)
However, considering everything, it would mean that us, ourselves, are limited to an evolutionary point, unless we multiply ourselves. Birth is a means of transforming energy. (( I have been trying to make sense of this, and i think, i regarded each individual as a finite energy container, each individual can store so much energy before it is "full"))
Mankind is an energy-transforming machinery .
Peaking in the future, we have a single destination and that would be: self-destruction. The moment we would have consumed all the energy in the universe we would have to implode AKA the big crunch? - - continuing, theoretically, we are heading towards self-destruction, harnessing all the energy into a singular point.
Another alternative would be: that we would transcend, as beings, into gods, living into an eternal state of self-sufficiency of the consumed energy. (which in retrospect, is the same thing )

This is a note to self in an attempt to continue this thought, which i never have.
- Homework -> sustain -> gods - > "reason" -> Big Bang, creation of new universes, a perpetuum transformation of energy; a perpetuum mobile

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