Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Time travel.

(translation )
Date: 8-12-2013

Every person has it's own universe and it's own ... existential line? ~something like that
The moment we interact with each other( 1+1 universes) , we create a parallel universe for the time we are interacting. Parallel, as in a temporary universe, a host for our own universes, that disappears the moment we stop interacting. Best defined as a "host universe". It can be correlated to virtual particles popping in and out of existence.
The result of this, is that there is no "mother" universe, we create, we take decisions.
Time is what holds all the universes on the same...temporal line (well fuck).
Time is what explains the linearity of our encounters despite every person having his own universe.
Meaning, that if time would not exist, the moment i would meet with another person(universe), i could meet him once when he is a kid and once when he is an adult, even if the encounters would not be far apart from each other. ((Either that, or now when i think about it, there could be a channel that holds time linearly aswell, so like two dimensions... but i'll leave it at that for now ))
Otherwise said, if, as an experiment, i would intersect the path of two universes (two persons), at regulate intervals, in the absence of time, i could see them both at huge "age" differences of each other, and there would be no continuity,  or what we now perceive as a "mother" universe.
If this would be true, in theory, in order to travel in time, you would first have to cancel time out, and you would get a chaotic intersection of time frames.
-Infancy- ((talking about the theory)) but this whole thing is conditioned by what happens with a universe when the one governing it, dies?~ Does his universe continue on living? or does it disappear along with him, or is it maybe taken over by something else?
If it were to disappear, it would mean that any past older than the oldest man alive, is forever lost, limiting time travel to a period of 100 ~ years. Unless of course the universe's governing is taken over by something else.
Or another method, would be to use the principle of "nothing is lost, everything is transformed" or better said energy. The dissipated energy from the death of a universe, has to be rebuilt into the initial universe and only after that travel back into it, destroying the initial 100 years limitation.

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