Been thinking about absolute, its implications and how is it related/differs from our world, for quite some time. I've had this dilemma for a day or two now about what would happen in a timeless world. What would happen if you were to move an object? Problem is i have been trying to use our world minus time as a make-do universe host for absolute and it just doesn't hold. No matter how i think about it there is no way you can move something in the absence of time, in our world, it would create a paradox -> In order for it to move it has to exist and have existed in the new position and never have existed in the original position in the first place. Which is impossible, if it never existed how did it move, how can we know it moved. I'm certain however that i'm looking at it the wrong way, i was just pointing out why i think it is impossible for an absolute world to exist in our universe - time, not with our laws.
What brought this on, and should have started with this, is a phrase i saved on my phone and that is "Everything in the absence of time, is absolute.". I remember i was again trying to define the absolute, or find something absolute ( it's become a small obsession of mine) and thought that in the split second of time, something/anything is absolute, it can't be altered, it's like a photo. Obviously this is not practical, it's not actually real, because there are infinite slices and time flows regardless. It's just a theoretical projection from an absolute universe.
Remember i said we have absolute origins, it's one of those things.
I grow more curious every time but right now i'm stuck and i feel it's a big "stuck" because i somehow have to start the laws of an universe from scratch, and without finding relation between our universe and an absolute one everything would just be a story.
I must go on an adventure to firstly discover and understand our laws of physics. Gonna hire a first grade physics teacher :3.